International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Energy.


June 28, 2024South Korea
The conference theme is Circular Economy Implementation in Agri-food Energy Production for Community Empowerment.

Abstract Submission

Welcome to SAFE 2024, Jeju. South Korea

We are excited to inform you that the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Energy (SAFE2024) will occur on June 28, 2024, in Jeju (South Korea). The conference theme is Circular Economy Implementation in Agri-food Energy Production for Community Empowerment. The core principle of a circular economy is around the minimization of waste, the promotion of sustainability, and the optimization of resource utilization. When included in the generation of energy in the agricultural and food sectors, it has the potential to establish a system that is more resistant to disruptions and capable of maintaining itself. This is an example of how the implementation could appear. By incorporating the ideas of the circular economy into agri-food energy production, communities can experience improved resilience, decreased environmental harm, and higher economic prospects, ultimately leading to empowerment and sustainable development.

Looking forward to welcoming you all at SAFE2024!

About SAFE2024

This is the 10th conference after the first International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Energy (SAFE2013), held in Padang, Indonesia, from May 12th to May 14th, 2014. The second conference, SAFE2014, was held in Bali, Indonesia, from September 17th to September 19th, 2014. AFE2015, the third conference, occurred in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from November 17th to November 19th, 2015. SAFE2016, the fourth conference, occurred in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from October 20th to 22nd, 2016. SAFE2017, the fifth conference, took place in Malaysia from August 22nd to 24th, 2017. The sixth conference, SAFE2018, occurred in Manila, Philippines, from October 19th to 21st, 2018. The seventh conference, SAFE2019, took place in Phuket, Thailand, from October 19-21, 2019; The 8th conference of SAFE2022, in Istanbul, Turkey (October 17, 2022); and the 9th conference of SAFE2023, in Chiang Mai, Thailand (May 28-29, 2023).


The objectives of the conference are:

  • To provide a forum for the international researcher's community to exchange and share experiences, new ideas, sustainability concepts, and research results on sustainable agriculture, food, and energy.
  • To promote collaboration in sustainable agriculture, foods, and energy production research.
  • To establish regional networking among participants on sustainable agriculture, food, and energy.
  • To increase awareness of the importance of living and working in a manner that enhances our community's economic, environmental, and social well-being through research, education, regional partnerships, and community engagement.

Call for Paper

Call for Paper We are pleased to announce a call for papers for our upcoming Conference, "Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Energy (SAFE2024" This Conference aims to gather scholars, researchers, academics, and practitioners to explore innovative approaches, challenges, and opportunities at the intersection of sustainable agriculture, food production, and energy systems.


  • Innovation in Sustainability related to Agriculture, Food, and Energy
  • Sustainable Food Science and Technology
  • Sustainability Development and Management
  • Agriculture and Environment
  • Sustainable Product Development
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Socio-Economic Related to Agriculture, Food, and Energy
  • Information Technology
  • Circularity in agriculture, food, and energy


Selected papers will be published in IJASEIT , Q4 Scopus Indexed Journal, (, Copernicus-Indexed Journal AJARCDE (, and E3S Web of Conferences (H-index39: in application Process)

Call for Innovation

Welcome innovators!

"Lab to Blueprint: Bring Science Closer to the Community" is the theme of this year's Product Innovation Competition. The Product Innovation Competition is part of this year's SAFE-Network agenda, which fits with the theme of the meeting. This Innovation Competition aims to show the community new ideas from a study by SAFE members and SAFE2024 participants. Innovation is the process of renewing or improving a field, product, or service using new methods, techniques, or ideas that have already been proven to work. Innovation in business means developing new goods, services, processes, and business models for customers, making them available and bigger. This can lead to a lot of net new growth. Innovation can be a brand-new idea or a change to a product, idea, or existing area. To be innovative, you need to take stock and figure out how it's working, whether through polls of happy customers or by looking at sales numbers. Innovation means coming up with new ideas, designs, or goods.

Innovation is important because it can help businesses stay ahead of the competition and grow simultaneously. Another reason is that businesses often need innovation to adapt to and overcome change challenges. Innovation makes it easier to adapt to new situations and find new opportunities, giving you a competitive edge and helping you make better products and services for customers. Innovation can help solve social problems and improve the world. Innovation gives companies an edge in entering new markets faster and a stronger connection with customers. Innovation is important because it helps companies improve their goods and services and be more useful and profitable. In today's very competitive business world, it's also important for companies to stay fresh and competitive.

This event will always happen at the SAFE meeting every year, and it's expected to lead to many useful new ideas for the community.

Once more, welcome, Innovator! Download Product Innovation Guide


Event Starts In:

Important Dates and Deadlines

Abstract Submission Deadline

May 25, 2024

Abstract Acceptance Notification

Within two weeks

Early Bird Payment Deadline

March 15, 2024

Regular Payment Deadline

June 15, 2024

Full Paper Submission Deadline

June 15, 2024

SAFE2024 Conference

June 28, 2024


We are pleased to present our esteemed lineup of Feature Speakers. Come join us for an insightful investigation of various viewpoints and specialties. A rare chance for an interesting and stimulating exchange of ideas will be provided by these thought scientists and specialists as they share their perspectives, expertise, and experiences.
Prof. Taufiq Yap Yun Hin
Faculty of Science. Universiti Putra Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Novizar Nazir
Andalas University
Dr. Nguyen Hoang Nam
Department of Natural Resource - Environmental Economics and Management Faculty of Urban, Climate Change and Environmental Studies National Economics University
Prof.Dr. Nurul Huda
Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Prof. P Mangala C S De Silva
Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Ruhuna
Sri Lanka
Prof. Do-Hyeon Kim
Jeju National University
South Korea
Prof. Chul-eui Jung
Dept Plant Medicals. Andong National University, Andong
South Korea
Prof. Dr. Rajbir Singh
Dept. of Plant Pathology Gochar Mahavidyalaya (MS University, Saharanpur, India) Rampur Maniharan, Saharanpur-247451(UP)


Day 1 Agenda Coming Soon...

Day 2 Agenda Coming Soon...

From linear to circular on agriculture, food and energy Production

Conference Room A
Moving from linear to circular agriculture, food, and energy production signifies a fundamental shift towards sustainability and resource efficiency. In traditional linear models, resources are extracted, utilized, and often discarded, leading to environmental degradation and inefficiencies. Circular approaches, however, prioritize closed-loop systems, where waste is minimized, and outputs are recycled back into the system.

By embracing circular principles across agriculture, food, and energy production, we aim to create interconnected systems that prioritize environmental stewardship, minimize waste, and promote long-term sustainability in the face of global challenges.

9:20 - 9:40

Life-cycle assessment for circular economy and carbon footprint analysis: A case study of Pizza 4P’s in Vietnam

Conference Room A
This study investigates the sustainability practices of Pizza 4P's, a prominent figure in Vietnam's food industry, using a Cradle Gate Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach with Open LCA software. Focusing on 4P's pizza production, it uncovers the environmental benefits of its sustainability endeavours, including the finding that the making of a 4P’s pizza emits 28 per cent less carbon dioxide than a normal pizza, and highlights strong partnerships with like-minded suppliers. However, it also suggests room for improvement, emphasizing the need to expand sustainable supplier networks, address technical challenges, and adopt circular economy principles for organic waste management. Encouraging customers to choose vegetarian pizzas is recommended for further sustainability. This offers practical insights for both the company and the wider food and beverage industry, underlining the crucial role of sustainable practices in shaping the future of food production and consumption.

Sustainable Production of Bioenergy

Conference Room A
The sustainability of bioenergy is contingent upon various factors, including the production cost, energy supply and demand (net energy balance), sustainability of greater crop output or feedstock supply, acceptance within the country, and economic stability. Primarily, the scarcity of petroleum production, the rise in fuel efficiency, and its accessibility to the general public are pivotal factors contributing to the prominence of biodiesel as a crucial energy source for the forthcoming years. This topic will examine and assess the extent of potential sustainability and present and future trends in global bioenergy production.

10.00 - 10:20

Sustainable agriculture development with possible notions on circular economy

Conference Room A
Sustainable agriculture development refers to the practice of farming in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves the integration of environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices to ensure long-term productivity, environmental health, and economic viability. Circular economy principles play a crucial role in promoting sustainability within the agriculture sector. By incorporating circular economy principles into sustainable agriculture development, it becomes possible to create resilient and regenerative farming systems that address environmental, economic, and social challenges while fostering long-term food security.

10:20 - 10:40

Coffea Break

Room B6
Coffee breaks are available outside the conference room. Please enjoy and Refresh!

10:40 - 11:00

Adopting a Circularity in Food Science and Technology: A Way Forward for Sustainable Innovation

Conference Room A
As people worldwide try to figure out how to feed an expanding population while reducing their negative effects on the environment, the global food system is changing dramatically. Circularity has arisen as a guiding philosophy for transforming food science and technology in an age of increased sustainability consciousness. To optimize resources, avoid waste, and limit environmental effects, the notion of circularity emphasizes the establishment of closed-loop systems. This introductory piece investigates the revolutionary possibilities of circularity in food science and technology, looking at new ways to strengthen our food systems while also being better for the environment. Rethinking conventional linear models of production, consumption, and waste disposal is fundamental to the concept of circularity in food science. The goal is to establish a system that can regenerate itself, with waste and by-products seen as valuable resources that can help make the food supply chain more efficient and environmentally friendly. To tackle this paradigm change head-on, we need to pool our knowledge from several fields, such as food science, engineering, agriculture, and environmental science. We can only create comprehensive solutions covering every food product life cycle step. The elimination of food waste is a primary goal of the circular economy in the field of food science. Much of the food produced goes uneaten or wasted from the farm to the table. To close the loop on nutrient cycles and minimize environmental effects, circular techniques promote reusing food scraps for other important purposes, such as making biofuels, fertilizers, or animal feed. Additionally, recyclability, compostability, and the utilization of renewable materials are important aspects of food packaging design that adhere to the principles of circularity. Technological advancements in the packaging industry are working toward a more sustainable future by developing recyclable and reusable materials and decreasing the usage of single-use plastics. Here we lay the groundwork for delving into circularity's particular uses and developments in food science and technology. Every aspect, from sustainable sourcing and precision agriculture to innovative processing methods and environmentally friendly packaging, works towards a more sustainable and circular future for the food sector. As we explore these advancements, it becomes clear that the adoption of circularity in food science and technology is more than a fad; it represents a sea change towards a food system that is sustainable, efficient, and robust.

Whispers in the tropical islands: Climate change and environmental health challenges in rural farming communities.

Conference Room A
The tropical islands face a pressing and widespread issue - climate change. These islands are characterized by stunning scenery and thriving ecosystems. The rural agricultural communities, which rely on the delicate balance of nature for their livelihoods, are particularly affected by the environmental distress reverberating across these idyllic regions. Climate change has exhibited itself in diverse manifestations, encompassing elevated temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather phenomena. These modifications disturb the conventional farming methods that have supported these communities for many years, causing a chain reaction that impacts their general ecological well-being. Tropical islands' rural farming populations are challenged to cope with erratic climate fluctuations, which adversely affect crop productivity, water resources, and the overall welfare of plant and animal life. The murmurs of apprehension escalate as these alterations jeopardize the fragile ecosystems these populations rely on for nourishment. The long-standing agricultural wisdom inherited throughout generations is confronted by escalating climate fluctuations, resulting in heightened unpredictability and susceptibility. An urgent concern is the increasing sea levels, gradually encroaching upon coastal farmlands and freshwater resources. The intricate equilibrium between saltwater and freshwater ecosystems is disturbed, affecting the agriculture that depends on a harmonious cohabitation of these components. The concerns of environmental deterioration are becoming more pronounced as the fundamental existence of life in these tropical islands is confronted with an existential peril. In addition to the immediate agricultural difficulties, climate change in these places exacerbates health hazards for the local populace. The prevalence of vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever, is increasing due to the shifting climate patterns that create favourable conditions for their transmission. The scarcity and contamination of water provide further health obstacles, affecting the crops and the overall welfare of the communities dependent on these resources. Amidst these problems, murmurs of resilience and adaptation arise. Local communities are actively investigating sustainable farming practices, integrating cutting-edge technologies, and enhancing their ability to withstand the effects of climate change. Governments, non-governmental organizations, and international authorities are collaborating to adopt policies and initiatives to address the environmental health concerns rural farming communities face. "Whispers in the Tropical Islands" seeks to elucidate the complex interaction between climate change and the environmental health issues rural farming communities face. By comprehending these subtle messages, we may pursue sustainable resolutions that safeguard these tropical havens' exquisite allure and abundance for future generations.

11:20 - 11:40

Data and Learning Model Transfer in Centralized vs Decentralized Environments .

Conference Room A
Data and learning model transfer are crucial aspects of machine learning, and their implementation can vary significantly between centralized and decentralized environments. The choice between centralized and decentralized data and model transfer approaches depends on factors such as privacy requirements, data distribution, and the need for real-time processing. Each approach has its own set of advantages and challenges, and the selection should align with the specific needs and constraints of the machine learning application.

11:40 - 12:00

Strategies for Sustainable Plant Diseases Management

Conference Room A
In an era marked by evolving environmental challenges and growing global food demand, the effective management of plant diseases stands as a critical imperative for sustainable agriculture. As populations surge and climates fluctuate, the resilience of our agricultural systems hinges on innovative strategies that harmonize productivity with environmental stewardship. "Strategies for Sustainable Plant Diseases Management" embarks on a journey to explore the nexus of science, technology, and stewardship in safeguarding crop health and global food security.

At the heart of this endeavor lies a profound understanding of the intricate relationships between plants, pathogens, and the environment. From the microscopic world of fungi and bacteria to the macroscopic landscapes of agricultural fields, the dynamics of plant diseases encompass a tapestry of biological, ecological, and socio-economic dimensions. By unraveling these complexities, we illuminate pathways toward resilience, adaptation, and sustainable coexistence.

This compendium traverses diverse landscapes of knowledge, encompassing traditional wisdom, cutting-edge research, and practical insights gleaned from the fields and laboratories of agricultural communities worldwide. Through the collective wisdom of scientists, farmers, policymakers, and advocates, we chart a course toward holistic solutions that transcend disciplinary boundaries and confront the multifaceted challenges of plant disease management.

As we navigate the complex terrain of sustainable plant disease management, we confront not only technical hurdles but also ethical dilemmas and socio-economic disparities that shape the landscape of global agriculture. By fostering dialogue, collaboration, and equitable access to knowledge and resources, we strive to cultivate a future where agricultural landscapes flourish in harmony with nature, nourishing both present and future generations.

12:00 - 13:30

Lunch Break

Room B6
Lunch breaks are available outside the conference room. Please enjoy the meals and Refresh!

Day 4 Agenda Coming Soon...

Day 5 Agenda Coming Soon...

Conference Fee

Offline Presenter

Early Bird (Before March 15, 2024),

Fee : US $ 100

Regular/Non-SAFE-Network Member (Before June 15, 2024),

Fee : US $ 150

Regular/SAFE-Network Member (Before June 15, 2024),

Fee : US $ 130

Student (before June 15, 2024) ,

Fee : US $ 100


Early Bird (Before March 15, 2024),

Fee : US $ 100

Regular/Non-SAFE-Network Member (Before June 15, 2024),

Fee : US $ 130

Regular/SAFE-Network Member (Before June 15, 2024),

Fee : US $ 100

Student (before June 15, 2024) ,

Fee : US $ 80

Online Presenter

Early Bird (Before March 15, 2024),

Fee : US $ 60

Regular/Non-SAFE-Network Member (Before June 15, 2024),

Fee : US $ 80

Regular/SAFE-Network Member (Before June 15, 2024),

Fee : US $ 70

Student (before June 15, 2024) ,

Fee : US $ 50

Product Innovation

Evaluation and Selection Cost is US $ 50 per innovation.

Fee : US $ 50

Payment Procedure

Payment cannot be made in cash; they must be via bank transfer to the Bank account of Payment below:

Ahmad Ramzi

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Bank BNI

Account Number : 0720597788.
Currency: IDR

PayPal Debit or Credit Card

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Payment Confirmation

Fill out this form to confirm that you have paid the SAFE2024 conference fee.


Ara Convention Hall - Jeju National University